Best indoor waterparks in the World

All the best indoor waterparks in the world rated by AmusementForce as exceptianally good indoor aqua parks to visit.


Galaxy Erding

Location: Erding, Germany

Tikibad Duinrell

Location: in Wassenaar, Netherlands

Aquapalace Praha

Location: Prague, Czech Republic

World Waterpark

Location: West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Therme Bucuresti Galaxy

Location: Bucharest, Romania


Location: Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland

Sonnentherme Lutzmannsburg

Location: Lutzmannsburg, Austria

Tropical Islands

Location: Krausnick, Germany

Sandcastle Waterpark

Location: Blackpool, England

Aquaworld Budapest

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Aquapolis Szeged

Location: Szeged, Hungary

Gustavsvik Lost City

Location: Örebro, Sweden

Kokpunkten Actionbad

Location: Västerås, Sweden